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Little Hill Primary School

Behaviour & Equality

Code of Behaviour

There is an expectation of high standards of personal behaviour and respect for others, which we hope you will encourage and support.

Children’s achievements are celebrated in a special Celebration Assembly held every Friday. The children find this very motivating. Rewards also include stickers, certificates, verbal praise, and the opportunity to share their work with other staff and children. Considerate behaviour is also noticed and rewarded at break and lunch times.


Everyone has the right to:

  • Feel safe, be cared for and be respected
  • Be able to learn to the best of his/her ability and to develop whatever skills he/she possesses
  • Be treated equally irrespective of gender, race, physical characteristics or any other factors
  • Learn and play without disruption

Everyone is expected to:

  • Be responsible for their own behaviour
  • Respect the rights of others.

We say No to bullying, whether verbal or physical. It has no place in our school. We ask for all parents and pupils to help us by reporting immediately any incidents so that we can deal firmly and fairly with any bullies, involving parents if appropriate. Please see the copy of our Anti-Bullying Policy below, as well as our Behaviour and Discipline policy.



Schools, along with all other public bodies in the UK, are rightly expected to offer an equal opportunity to pupils. In schools, this means one of the key priorities is to ensure that children make equal progress during their time with us.

‘Progress’, in educational terms, is the extent to which pupils have progressed in their learning from their starting points and capabilities. So when we measure progress we’re acknowledging that children don’t all start in the same place with their learning – some are particularly good in an area of learning, or find an area especially difficult. We track the progress of children regularly and if we spot that a group of children is making less progress than we expected, we put measures in place to support their learning as far as possible.

The Equality Duty in schools also expects us, as far as is reasonably possible, to ensure that pupils, parents, staff and volunteers, receive fair treatment within the school environment, and ensure that no-one is disadvantaged due to their ethnic group, language background, gender, disability, sexual orientation, etc.

To meet all of these duties:

The school has an Equal Opportunities Policy which is reviewed annually.

An Equality Action Plan has been developed and new targets will be set each year.

All of the Governing Body committees – Finance, Staffing & Pay; Safeguarding & Premises; Curriculum and the Full Governing Body – take account of Equality issues in their monitoring, evaluating and strategic decision-making.

The Governors’ Curriculum Committee meets termly and receives a report from the Senior Management Team on the progress which has been tracked within the school. Areas for development are identified and then revisited at the following meeting to look for improvements. Any significant issues arising are then reported to the Full Governing Body meeting.

The school has previously had a Disability Equality Scheme and a Gender Equality Scheme, along with action plans and an Accessibility Action Plan. These have now all been brought together under the Equal Opportunities Policy, in line with developing government legislation.

A great deal of good work and practice is already embedded into the life of the school.
The school has many policies and ensures that our commitment to equality is reflected in these e.g. Anti-bullying Policy and Behaviour Policy. Under the Equality Duty targets will be set each year to address equality issues which have been identified and to ensure that the school is constantly striving to improve.

To see our current Equal Opportunities Policy, see the Policies page.

If you have a concern about an equality issue, and you are a pupil or parent, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance. If you are a member of staff, please speak to the Headteacher or CEO of the Trust. If you are a member of the wider community, please speak to the Headteacher or CEO of the Trust.